Are You a Beginner Runner Struggling to Get Started or Stay Consistent?


Introducing the R4U Running Club: Your Path to Becoming a Confident, Injury-Free Runner in Just Weeks!

Transform from a non-runner to a strong and consistent runner with our unique, evidence-based approach. Designed by a physical therapist and run coach, get comprehensive running programs, runner-specific strength training, injury prevention, nutrition guidance, community, and more - all for just $15/month.
Yes, I want instant access now! Just $15/month - Cancel anytime

Transform from a non-runner to a strong and consistent runner with our unique, evidence-based approach. Designed by a physical therapist and run coach, get comprehensive running programs, runner-specific strength training, injury prevention, nutrition guidance, community, and more - all for just $15/month.

Yes, I want instant access now! Just $15/month - Cancel anytime

You're Not Alone. We Understand Your Struggles.

Starting your running journey can feel like an uphill battle. Maybe you're struggling with:

Feeling breathless & defeated when attempting to run

Being sidelined from shin splints, knee pain, or other nagging injuries

Finding the motivation to lace up your shoes consistently

Feeling overwhelmed by conflicting advice on how to start running "the right way"

If you've ever felt this way, then you're in the right place.


These challenges aren't signs of failure – often times, they're the first steps on your path to becoming a runner.

With R4U, you don't have to figure this out alone. You're joining a community of beginners just like you, guided by an expert coach that understands your challenges and knows exactly how to overcome them.

Imagine A Future Where You


  • Run your first 5K, 10K, half marathon, or full marathon

  • Are running consistently with zero injuries

  • Have physical strength and confidence in your body

  • Enjoy boosted daily energy and vitality

  • Finally lose the weight and feel lighter on your feet 

  • Learn to truly love running


If this sounds too good to be true, let me show you that it's possible.

My Journey: From Injured Novice to Marathon Runner


Hi, I'm Casey!

My journey with running began when I decided to give it a try in 2017.

I thought it was simple.

Put shoes on. Run. Repeat.

However, I was *delightfully* met with constant injuries, fatigue, and inconsistency. I struggled with a lack of motivation to get out the door, was making little to no progress, and felt discouraged by how hard it was to build positive momentum in my running.

It wasn’t as simple as I’d hoped!

As I was in physical therapy school at the time, I refused to accept this as normal. I went on to devote years of my life to understanding the science of running, combining my expertise in physical therapy with the latest run coaching practices and strategies. I experimented with different approaches, studied the latest research, and applied this knowledge to my own running.

It was only after this that my running took off.

Less than six months later, I ran my first full marathon with zero injuries - a feat I certainly never thought was possible for someone with my injury-prone history.

Going through this process made me realize I had something special. I gradually started to coach runners one-on-one in 2020, and was ecstatic to see they were having the same success that I was!

Fast-forward to today, and hundreds of new runners have experienced this same success.

That’s why I created the R4U Running Club. It contains the exact programs and methodology that I wish I had originally. 

With it, I would have saved years battling injuries and lack of progress - and replaced it with positive momentum in my running.

With it, running is simple.

The R4U Running Club: A Unique Methodology That Works 📈


Our approach is different because it's built on a foundation of evidence-based practice, experience, and a deep understanding of what beginners truly need. 

Here's what makes our methodology unique:

Foundational Building & Injury Prevention

Progressive Walk-Run Method: Gradual walk-to-run approach to build endurance without overwhelming the body.

Injury Prevention Focus: Progressing wisely, listening to your body, and incorporating exercises to address common running injuries and minimize risk from the beginning.

So that you can : See quick results, and build trust that you really are capable of strong and healthy running!

Strength & Endurance Development

Runner-Specific Strength Training: Strength programs designed to improve running performance and prevent injuries by targeting key muscle groups.

80/20 Running: Maintaining the majority of runs at an easy pace to build aerobic capacity and endurance, while gradually introducing speed training.

So that you can: Enjoyably improve in your running while staying healthy!

Lifestyle Integration & Enjoyment

Holistic Lifestyle Integration: Guidance on nutrition, weight loss, sleep, and stress management to support your deep physical and mental health and running progress.

Enjoyment-Centric Approach: Focus on making running fun and sustainable to ensure long-term success and adherence.

So that you can : Establish the right habits you need to thrive in your running for the rest of your life!

As a Doctor of Physical Therapy, UESCA Run Coach, and Precision Nutrition L1 Coach, I understand the intricate and multifaceted details of what an optimal, yet practical, approach to running and health looks like.

I’ve spent years extensively studying each of these areas and applied this knowledge to help hundreds of new runners build strong and healthy running foundations of their own, lose their desired weight, and feel amazing in their health and fitness.

Today, everything you need to experience the same results is condensed into practical, fun, and enjoyable programs and resources within a user-friendly app.

Let's break down what's inside.

 Here's what you'll get with the R4U Running Club!

Running Programs 🏃‍♂️

10 running programs that will take you from foundations to marathons and beyond.

Strength Training 🏋️

Runner-specific strength training programs so you can run strong and avoid injury

Injury Prevention 💪

Specific injury-prevention and rehab exercises (with video) for each of the most common running-related injuries

Message Me 💬

Have direct access to ask Dr. Casey questions, get feedback on running form, and more.

Plus, All These Bonuses!

Nutrition & Lifestyle Resources

Strategies for fueling, hydration, weight loss, sleep, recovery, & much more! 100+ pages of material

Training Resources

Find your easy pace, step by step dynamic warm-up routine (with video) to prepare your body to run and help guard against injury.


Be encouraged by other beginner runners inside the app! Share wins, struggles, ask questions, etc.

Don't just take our word.

Here's What Our Runners Say:

Because of the trainings here, I've been able to fall back in love with running.

This past Saturday I ran my first ever 10K and I couldn't be more proud. Following your Healthy Foundations Level 2 program gave me the confidence to not only run the race but finish it 4 minutes faster than I wanted to! Thanks again! I'm going to recover for a few weeks then start half marathon training! I never thought I could run more than 3 miles but to consistently prove myself wrong while smiling has been the best experience ever!

Cynthia M.

Casey - without you probably knowing it, you helped change my life.

As a 50+ year old who has struggled with my weight for most of my life and recently ventured into this running arena, your guidance has been unmatched. Before working with you, I ran a few miles here and there yet ran in a manner that most likely would have caused some sort of injury quickly. Or worse, burnout would have occurred as I was not thoroughly enjoying lacing up my shoes and going for a run. With your program, that all changed. I was given the tools to learn how to start to run and that led to finishing my first half-marathon a few weeks ago. While my goal was to complete this, in the back of my mind, I never really thought I could. Yet I did with your encouragement, skill-set, and overall orchestration of a doable training plan. In the few short months of working with you, I have come to appreciate each and every run for what it is - a step in building and maintaining a healthy mind and body. I value every single day of working with you and now have my eyes on a full-marathon. Thank you!

Kathleen S.

Casey’s program really helped immerse me in a running method that made me enjoy running and accomplishing my goals.

Not only has my endurance improved but I feel as an overall health aspect, I go about my nutrition and fitness goals completely different because of this program. Going from trying to run a half marathon and feeling like at mile 8 I couldn’t do it anymore, to now being able to run 13-16 miles and feel great afterwards is a testament to Casey’s program. Completing my marathon goal at a time I’m so happy with is all a result of this program and I’d die on that hill recommending Casey to everyone. I’m definitely going to have Casey help out again for my next big challenge!

Hyder A.

I amazed myself each month having struggled with running for more than 2 minutes to running over an hour without losing my breath and feeling like I have more in my tank.

I've been wanting to try running for awhile but was always nervous of injuring myself so when I came across Casey's methodical, personal, slow approach with his physical therapy background I was like this is exactly what I am looking for. I had one goal - to learn the correct form to run so I could successfully cross a finish line in 5 months injury-free, being proud of myself and enjoying it. I did not care about my pace, I wanted to do it right. Casey showed me the way week by week with the various simple yet effective strength training exercises with a very doable run-walk and eventually running schedule. I amazed myself each month having struggled with running for more than 2 minutes to running over an hour without losing my breath and feeling like I have more in my tank. I now find myself wanting to go on runs because I have learned to enjoy the process and growth - Thank you Casey!!!

Olivia K.

I am now up to being able to run 9 miles, with multiple 4-5 mile runs each week and NO shin pain.

When I started I could not run more than 2 miles without getting terrible shin splints. Running more than 3 miles sounded so daunting. Through Casey’s running and strength program, I am now up to being able to run 9 miles, with multiple 4-5 mile runs each week and NO shin pain. I have full confidence in my ability to complete my training and run a marathon, which is something I did not have coming into this program. If given the chance to go back and try to do it on my own or work with Casey, I would choose to work with Casey 10 times out of 10. He helped me build a foundation of healthy running for years to come!

Ben L.

Yes, I want this!

Our Promise: 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

We're so confident in our approach that if you don't see improvement in your running within 30 days, we'll refund your money - no questions asked.

Frequently Asked Questions

Choose your Membership Plan

Become a member below to unlock instant access!

Monthly Plan


  • Running Programs
  • Runner-Specific Strength Programs
  • Injury Prevention Guidance
  • Direct Access to Dr. Casey
  • BONUS: Nutrition, & Lifestyle Resources
  • BONUS: Training Resources
  • BONUS: Community
I want this!

Yearly Plan


Most Popular

  • Running Programs
  • Runner-Specific Strength Programs
  • Injury Prevention Guidance
  • Direct Access to Dr. Casey
  • BONUS: Nutrition, & Lifestyle Resources
  • BONUS: Training Resources
  • BONUS: Community
I want this!

*All plans renew automatically unless canceled. You can cancel at anytime.*

Don't wait to become the runner you've always wanted to be. Join the R4U Running Club today and start your journey to becoming a confident, consistent, and healthy runner!

Start running today!